Call to Action..

bring back 35th street!!

Bring Back 

 Viable Businesses

Create an environment where new and long time residents can walk to get groceries, receive medical services or enjoy unique shopping, dining, and entertainment with the Park Place Historic District. With a focus on small, locally-owned businesses

Bring Back

Quality UPSCALE living

Modern Living with modern Amenities for for Teachers, Teacher's Aid, U.S. Service Members, Law Enforcement, Mail Carriers, and Long-time Park Place citizens who desire to age in place. 

"I have greatly invested in 35th Street many years ago hoping that the city will support its revitalization"

-Oscar Bliley

Latest Updates

January 2022

Dear supporters,
Thank you for your support for getting us to the point wherein we can move closer to develop the historic 35th St corridor. We want to update you on some major obstacles that we are now facing with the City Manager who has other plans for 35th street that don't include us. In September 2021, City Council voted to extend the developer agreement with the city for an additional 90 days. This is so the developer can show the city sources of financing to complete Newport Gardens.

According to the agreement drafted by the city, any city-related delays during that 90-day period would allow the agreement to be continued. This is so that the developer can close on the land deal with the city. One particular delay was because members of Norfolk economic development department needing to ratify the new City council approved agreement with City attorney. To show transparency and good faith during this 90-day period, the developer, members of the Park Place business association and members of the Newport Manor Finance team met with the Mayor on December 16, 2021 to provide an update and to show the sources of financing and desire to go to closing with the city on the land agreement. The developer asked City staff about their process for their review of financial documents. They shared with us they will follow up with us on their review process so that we can finally close.

City representatives told us they would share with us their process of review of our financing package so that they can move forward with closing of the property. They gave no feedback to us, only the letter that was mailed to our office. The Department of Economic Development went against the voice of the Park Place citizens in attempting to terminate the agreement.

We can win and we need your support more than ever. We ask if you can send this out to 10 and 20 of your friends so that they can contact the council members. We ask that you contact the City Council in the Mayor's office and demand that they take action to prevent the city manager from destroying a project that is both needed and supported by the Park Place community. Please see the email contacts below:

Honorable Mayor Kenneth Cooper Alexander

Honorable Councilwoman Danica Royster

Honorable Councilman Martin A. Thomas Jr.

Honorable Councilwoman Mamie B. Johnson

Honorable Councilman Paul R. Riddick

Honorable Councilman Thomas R. Smigiel Jr.

Honorable Councilwoman Andria P. McClellan

Honorable Councilwoman Courtney R. Doyle

Upcoming Events

About Us

We are local developers that live and work in the communities we invest and build in. We have a great track record of bringing life back to urban centers that historically have been challenged with economic despair.

New Projects

We are proposing several projects within the West 35th Street Corridor. These projects will help benefit Park Place residence and the city of Norfolk as a whole..

Letters of Support

From our track record of activitiy, we have recieved Letters of support from residents, area businesses, local civic leagues. and property owners who see the need for a new life on 35th Street.

Threats to the Effort

In this effort, we have experienced challenges that we have not seen in any previous effort to develop and bring prosperity to a Historic African American Community.

New Projects coming Soon

We're excited to introduce

Coming Soon

Fareed Plaza

Coming Soon

Newport Gardens

Coming Soon


Letters Of Support

make it known, we want 35th back!

Your support will help the Park Place residents and citizens convince City Council to give priority to West 35th Street and allow us to continue to bring value back to the Historic West 35th Street Corridor. 

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